A Home Away from Home

Pastoral Care at BPSK

  • Welcome to Boarding
  • Dean's Message
  • Meals and Nutrition
  • Sports Life
  • House Rules and Policies
  • Parent Involvement
  • Boarding House Facilities
  • Special Events and Celebrations
  • Testimonials from Boarders

Meals & Nutrition

At Birla Public School, we prioritize the health and well-being of our students, and our Meals and Nutrition program reflects this commitment. In cases where a student is admitted to the wellness center, the nursing staff ensures that the student receives all meals there, providing necessary support and attention.

Central Dining Hall Experience

Students are treated to all main meals and snacks at our Central Dining Hall (CDH), fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.

Supervision and Care

Our house staff actively supervises and ensures that each child's food intake is not only sufficient but also aligned with their dietary requirements.

Special Occasions and Menus

To add a touch of variety and joy, our culinary experts prepare special menus for various occasions. These menus are tailored to match the taste preferences and dietary requirements of the children.

At BPSK, we believe that a well-fed student is a happy and healthy learner. Our commitment to providing nutritious meals goes beyond routine dining – it’s an integral part of our holistic approach to education.

Join us in savoring not just meals but moments of togetherness at Birla Public School.